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Filename: //scripts/upcp-running
#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/upcp-running Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny (); use Cpanel::Usage (); my $invert_exit; my $logfile; my $pid; my $quiet; Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@ARGV, \&print_usage_and_exit, { 'invert-exit' => \$invert_exit, 'logfile' => \$logfile, 'pid' => \$pid, 'quiet' => \$quiet, }, ); $invert_exit = $invert_exit ? 1 : 0; $quiet = $quiet ? 1 : 0; my $found_process; my $pid_matched; my $is_newest_logfile; my $pidfile = '/var/run/upcp.pid'; my $upid = Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny->new(); my $curpid = $upid->get_pid_from_pidfile($pidfile); if ($curpid) { if ( $upid->is_pid_running($curpid) ) { $found_process = 1; if ( $curpid eq $pid ) { $pid_matched = 1; } } } if ( $logfile && opendir my $dh, '/var/cpanel/updatelogs' ) { while ( my $entry = readdir $dh ) { next if $entry !~ m/^update\.\d+\.log$/; if ( $entry gt $logfile ) { undef $is_newest_logfile; last; } $is_newest_logfile = 1; } closedir $dh; } my $upcp_running = 0; if ( $pid && $logfile ) { if ( $pid_matched && $is_newest_logfile ) { $upcp_running = 1; } } elsif ($pid) { if ($pid_matched) { $upcp_running = 1; } } elsif ($logfile) { if ($is_newest_logfile) { $upcp_running = 1; } } elsif ($found_process) { $upcp_running = 1; } if ( !$quiet ) { if ($upcp_running) { print "upcp is running.\n"; } else { print "upcp is not running.\n"; } } exit( !$upcp_running ^ $invert_exit ); sub print_usage_and_exit { my ($error) = @_; my %options = ( 'help' => 'Brief help message', 'invert-exit' => 'Exit with an error value if upcp is running', ## internal usage parameters #'logfile' => 'Log file that target upcp is writing/wrote to', #'pid' => 'PID of the target upcp', ); if ( defined $error ) { print $error, "\n\n"; } print "Usage: $0 "; print "[options]\n\n"; print " Options:\n"; while ( my ( $opt, $desc ) = each %options ) { print " --$opt"; my $space = 12 - length $opt; ( 0 < $space ) ? print ' ' x $space : print ' '; print "$desc\n"; } exit 1 if defined $error; exit; }