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Filename: ////scripts/install_cpanel_analytics
#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/install_cpanel_analytics Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::install_cpanel_analytics; use cPstrict; use Getopt::Long (); use Cpanel::Imports; use Cpanel::OS (); use Cpanel::Plugins (); use Cpanel::Analytics::UiIncludes (); exit( __PACKAGE__->run(@ARGV) // 0 ) unless caller(); sub run (@args) { if ( $> != 0 ) { die "$0: must run as root\n"; } my $help; return usage(1) unless Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray( \@args, 'help' => \$help, ); return usage() if $help; if ( !Cpanel::OS::supports_cpanel_analytics() ) { logger()->warn( "cpanel-analytics is not supported on " . Cpanel::OS::pretty_distro() ); return 1; } logger()->info(q{Installing the analytics plugin.}); require Cpanel::Plugins; my $ok = eval { Cpanel::Plugins::install_plugins('cpanel-analytics'); 1 }; logger()->warn($@) if $@ && ref $@ !~ m/ProcessFailed/; # ProcessFailed stacks aren't very interesting. logger()->info(q{Enabling the analytics user interface.}); if ( $ENV{'CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL'} ) { local $@; eval { require Cpanel::Analytics::UiIncludes; Cpanel::Analytics::UiIncludes::enable(); }; logger()->warn($@) if length $@; } return !$ok; } sub usage ( $status = 0 ) { my $msg = <<"EOM"; install_cpanel_analytics: install cpanel-analytics plugin Usage: install_cpanel_analytics [--help] Options: --help: print usage and exit EOM if ($status) { print STDERR $msg; } else { print $msg; } return $status; } 1;