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Filename: ///lib64/tcl8.5/Tix8.4.3/Utils.tcl
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*- # # $Id: Utils.tcl,v 1.4 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $ # # Util.tcl -- # # The Tix utility commands. Some of these commands are # replacement of or extensions to the existing TK # commands. Occasionaly, you have to use the commands inside # this file instead of thestandard TK commands to make your # applicatiion work better with Tix. Please read the # documentations (programmer's guide, man pages) for information # about these utility commands. # # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam. # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group. # Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # # kludge: should be able to handle all kinds of flags # now only handles "-flag value" pairs. # proc tixHandleArgv {p_argv p_options validFlags} { upvar $p_options opt upvar $p_argv argv set old_argv $argv set argv "" foreac {flag value} $old_argv { if {[lsearch $validFlags $flag] != -1} { # The caller will handle this option exclusively # It won't be added back to the original arglist # eval $opt($flag,action) $value } else { # The caller does not handle this option # lappend argv $flag lappend argv $value } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # tixDisableAll - # # Disable all members in a sub widget tree # proc tixDisableAll {w} { foreach x [tixDescendants $w] { catch {$x config -state disabled} } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # tixEnableAll - # # enable all members in a sub widget tree # proc tixEnableAll {w} { foreach x [tixDescendants $w] { catch {$x config -state normal} } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # tixDescendants - # # Return a list of all the member of a widget subtree, including # the tree's root widget. # proc tixDescendants {parent} { set des "" lappend des $parent foreach w [winfo children $parent] { foreach x [tixDescendants $w] { lappend des $x } } return $des } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # tixTopLevel - # # Create a toplevel widget and unmap it immediately. This will ensure # that this toplevel widgets will not be popped up prematurely when you # create Tix widgets inside it. # # "tixTopLevel" also provide options for you to specify the appearance # and behavior of this toplevel. # # # proc tixTopLevel {w args} { set opt (-geometry) "" set opt (-minsize) "" set opt (-maxsize) "" set opt (-width) "" set opt (-height) "" eval [linsert $args 0 toplevel $w] wm withdraw $w } # This is a big kludge # # Substitutes all [...] and $.. in the string in $args # proc tixInt_Expand {args} { return $args } # Print out all the config options of a widget # proc tixPConfig {w} { puts [join [lsort [$w config]] \n] } proc tixAppendBindTag {w tag} { bindtags $w [concat [bindtags $w] $tag] } proc tixAddBindTag {w tag} { bindtags $w [concat $tag [bindtags $w] ] } proc tixSubwidgetRef {sub} { return $::tixSRef($sub) } proc tixSubwidgetRetCreate {sub ref} { set ::tixSRef($sub) $ref } proc tixSubwidgetRetDelete {sub} { catch {unset ::tixSRef($sub)} } proc tixListboxGetCurrent {listbox} { return [tixEvent flag V] } # tixSetMegaWidget -- # # Associate a subwidget with its mega widget "owner". This is mainly # used when we add a new bindtag to a subwidget and we need to find out # the name of the mega widget inside the binding. # proc tixSetMegaWidget {w mega {type any}} { set ::tixMega($type,$w) $mega } proc tixGetMegaWidget {w {type any}} { return $::tixMega($type,$w) } proc tixUnsetMegaWidget {w} { if {[info exists ::tixMega($w)]} { unset ::tixMega($w) } } # tixBusy : display busy cursors on a window # # # Should flush the event queue (but not do any idle tasks) before blocking # the target window (I am not sure if it is aready doing so ) # # ToDo: should take some additional windows to raise # proc tixBusy {w flag {focuswin ""}} { if {[info command tixInputOnly] == ""} { return } global tixBusy set toplevel [winfo toplevel $w] if {![info exists tixBusy(cursor)]} { set tixBusy(cursor) watch # set tixBusy(cursor) "[tix getbitmap hourglass] \ # [string range [tix getbitmap hourglass.mask] 1 end]\ # black white" } if {$toplevel eq "."} { set inputonly0 .__tix__busy0 set inputonly1 .__tix__busy1 set inputonly2 .__tix__busy2 set inputonly3 .__tix__busy3 } else { set inputonly0 $toplevel.__tix__busy0 set inputonly1 $toplevel.__tix__busy1 set inputonly2 $toplevel.__tix__busy2 set inputonly3 $toplevel.__tix__busy3 } if {![winfo exists $inputonly0]} { for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} { tixInputOnly [set inputonly$i] -cursor $tixBusy(cursor) } } if {$flag eq "on"} { if {$focuswin != "" && [winfo id $focuswin] != 0} { if {[info exists tixBusy($focuswin,oldcursor)]} { return } set tixBusy($focuswin,oldcursor) [$focuswin cget -cursor] $focuswin config -cursor $tixBusy(cursor) set x1 [expr {[winfo rootx $focuswin]-[winfo rootx $toplevel]}] set y1 [expr {[winfo rooty $focuswin]-[winfo rooty $toplevel]}] set W [winfo width $focuswin] set H [winfo height $focuswin] set x2 [expr {$x1 + $W}] set y2 [expr {$y1 + $H}] if {$y1 > 0} { tixMoveResizeWindow $inputonly0 0 0 10000 $y1 } if {$x1 > 0} { tixMoveResizeWindow $inputonly1 0 0 $x1 10000 } tixMoveResizeWindow $inputonly2 0 $y2 10000 10000 tixMoveResizeWindow $inputonly3 $x2 0 10000 10000 for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} { tixMapWindow [set inputonly$i] tixRaiseWindow [set inputonly$i] } tixFlushX $w } else { tixMoveResizeWindow $inputonly0 0 0 10000 10000 tixMapWindow $inputonly0 tixRaiseWindow $inputonly0 } } else { tixUnmapWindow $inputonly0 tixUnmapWindow $inputonly1 tixUnmapWindow $inputonly2 tixUnmapWindow $inputonly3 if {$focuswin != "" && [winfo id $focuswin] != 0} { if {[info exists tixBusy($focuswin,oldcursor)]} { $focuswin config -cursor $tixBusy($focuswin,oldcursor) if {[info exists tixBusy($focuswin,oldcursor)]} { unset tixBusy($focuswin,oldcursor) } } } } } proc tixOptionName {w} { return [string range $w 1 end] } proc tixSetSilent {chooser value} { $chooser config -disablecallback true $chooser config -value $value $chooser config -disablecallback false } # This command is useful if you want to ingore the arguments # passed by the -command or -browsecmd options of the Tix widgets. E.g # # tixFileSelectDialog .c -command "puts foo; tixBreak" # # proc tixBreak {args} {} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # tixDestroy -- deletes a Tix class object (not widget classes) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixDestroy {w} { upvar #0 $w data set destructor "" if {[info exists data(className)]} { catch { set destructor [tixGetMethod $w $data(className) Destructor] } } if {$destructor != ""} { $destructor $w } catch {rename $w ""} catch {unset data} return "" } proc tixPushGrab {args} { global tix_priv if {![info exists tix_priv(grab-list)]} { set tix_priv(grab-list) "" set tix_priv(grab-mode) "" set tix_priv(grab-nopush) "" } set len [llength $args] if {$len == 1} { set opt "" set w [lindex $args 0] } elseif {$len == 2} { set opt [lindex $args 0] set w [lindex $args 1] } else { error "wrong # of arguments: tixPushGrab ?-global? window" } # Not everyone will call tixPushGrab. If someone else has a grab already # save that one as well, so that we can restore that later # set last [lindex $tix_priv(grab-list) end] set current [grab current $w] if {$current ne "" && $current ne $last} { # Someone called "grab" directly # lappend tix_priv(grab-list) $current lappend tix_priv(grab-mode) [grab status $current] lappend tix_priv(grab-nopush) 1 } # Now push myself into the stack # lappend tix_priv(grab-list) $w lappend tix_priv(grab-mode) $opt lappend tix_priv(grab-nopush) 0 if {$opt eq "-global"} { grab -global $w } else { grab $w } } proc tixPopGrab {} { global tix_priv if {![info exists tix_priv(grab-list)]} { set tix_priv(grab-list) "" set tix_priv(grab-mode) "" set tix_priv(grab-nopush) "" } set len [llength $tix_priv(grab-list)] if {$len <= 0} { error "no window is grabbed by tixGrab" } set w [lindex $tix_priv(grab-list) end] grab release $w if {$len > 1} { set tix_priv(grab-list) [lrange $tix_priv(grab-list) 0 end-1] set tix_priv(grab-mode) [lrange $tix_priv(grab-mode) 0 end-1] set tix_priv(grab-nopush) [lrange $tix_priv(grab-nopush) 0 end-1] set w [lindex $tix_priv(grab-list) end] set m [lindex $tix_priv(grab-list) end] set np [lindex $tix_priv(grab-nopush) end] if {$np == 1} { # We have a grab set by "grab" # set len [llength $tix_priv(grab-list)] if {$len > 1} { set tix_priv(grab-list) [lrange $tix_priv(grab-list) 0 end-1] set tix_priv(grab-mode) [lrange $tix_priv(grab-mode) 0 end-1] set tix_priv(grab-nopush) \ [lrange $tix_priv(grab-nopush) 0 end-1] } else { set tix_priv(grab-list) "" set tix_priv(grab-mode) "" set tix_priv(grab-nopush) "" } } if {$m == "-global"} { grab -global $w } else { grab $w } } else { set tix_priv(grab-list) "" set tix_priv(grab-mode) "" set tix_priv(grab-nopush) "" } } proc tixWithinWindow {wid rootX rootY} { set wc [winfo containing $rootX $rootY] if {$wid eq $wc} { return 1 } # no see if it is an enclosing parent set rx1 [winfo rootx $wid] set ry1 [winfo rooty $wid] set rw [winfo width $wid] set rh [winfo height $wid] set rx2 [expr {$rx1+$rw}] set ry2 [expr {$ry1+$rh}] if {$rootX >= $rx1 && $rootX < $rx2 && $rootY >= $ry1 && $rootY < $ry2} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc tixWinWidth {w} { set W [winfo width $w] set bd [expr {[$w cget -bd] + [$w cget -highlightthickness]}] return [expr {$W - 2*$bd}] } proc tixWinHeight {w} { set H [winfo height $w] set bd [expr {[$w cget -bd] + [$w cget -highlightthickness]}] return [expr {$H - 2*$bd}] } # junk? # proc tixWinCmd {w} { return [winfo command $w] }