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Filename: ///lib64/tcl8.5/Tix8.4.3/PopMenu.tcl
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*- # # $Id: PopMenu.tcl,v 1.7 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $ # # PopMenu.tcl -- # # This file implements the TixPopupMenu widget # # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam. # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # global tkPriv if {![llength [info globals tkPriv]]} { tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateVariable tkPriv } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tkPriv elements used in this file: # # inMenubutton - #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # foreach fun {tkMenuUnpost tkMbButtonUp tkMbEnter tkMbPost} { if {![llength [info commands $fun]]} { tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand $fun } } unset fun tixWidgetClass tixPopupMenu { -classname TixPopupMenu -superclass tixShell -method { bind post unbind } -flag { -buttons -installcolormap -postcmd -spring -state -title } -configspec { {-buttons buttons Buttons {{3 {Any}}}} {-installcolormap installColormap InstallColormap false} {-postcmd postCmd PostCmd ""} {-spring spring Spring 1 tixVerifyBoolean} {-state state State normal} {-cursor corsor Cursor arrow} } -static { -buttons } -default { {*Menu.tearOff 0} } } proc tixPopupMenu:InitWidgetRec {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec set data(g:clients) "" } proc tixPopupMenu:ConstructWidget {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget wm overrideredirect $w 1 wm withdraw $w set data(w:menubutton) [menubutton $w.menubutton -text $data(-title) \ -menu $w.menubutton.menu -anchor w] set data(w:menu) [menu $w.menubutton.menu] pack $data(w:menubutton) -expand yes -fill both } proc tixPopupMenu:SetBindings {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w SetBindings foreach elm $data(-buttons) { set btn [lindex $elm 0] foreach mod [lindex $elm 1] { tixBind TixPopupMenu:MB:$w <$mod-ButtonPress-$btn> \ "tixPopupMenu:Unpost $w" tixBind TixPopupMenu:$w <$mod-ButtonPress-$btn> \ "tixPopupMenu:post $w %W %x %y" } tixBind TixPopupMenu:MB:$w <ButtonRelease-$btn> \ "tixPopupMenu:BtnRelease $w %X %Y" tixBind TixPopupMenu:M:$w <Unmap> \ "tixPopupMenu:Unmap $w" tixBind TixPopupMenu:$w <ButtonRelease-$btn> \ "tixPopupMenu:BtnRelease $w %X %Y" tixAddBindTag $data(w:menubutton) TixPopupMenu:MB:$w tixAddBindTag $data(w:menu) TixPopupMenu:M:$w } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PrivateMethods: #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixPopupMenu:Unpost {w} { upvar #0 $w data catch { tkMenuUnpost "" } # tkMbButtonUp $data(w:menubutton) } proc tixPopupMenu:BtnRelease {w rootX rootY} { upvar #0 $w data set cW [winfo containing -displayof $w $rootX $rootY] if {$data(-spring)} { tixPopupMenu:Unpost $w } } proc tixPopupMenu:Unmap {w} { upvar #0 $w data wm withdraw $w } proc tixPopupMenu:Destructor {w} { upvar #0 $w data foreach client $data(g:clients) { if {[winfo exists $client]} { tixDeleteBindTag $client TixPopupMenu:$w } } # delete the extra bindings # foreach tag [list TixPopupMenu:MB:$w TixPopupMenu:M:$w] { foreach e [bind $tag] { bind $tag $e "" } } tixChainMethod $w Destructor } proc tixPopupMenu:config-title {w value} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w:menubutton) config -text $value } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PublicMethods: #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixPopupMenu:bind {w args} { upvar #0 $w data foreach client $args { if {[lsearch $data(g:clients) $client] == -1} { lappend data(g:clients) $client tixAppendBindTag $client TixPopupMenu:$w } } } proc tixPopupMenu:unbind {w args} { upvar #0 $w data foreach client $args { if {[winfo exists $client]} { set index [lsearch $data(g:clients) $client] if {$index != -1} { tixDeleteBindTag $client TixPopupMenu:$w set data(g:clients) [lreplace $data(g:clients) $index $index] } } } } proc tixPopupMenu:post {w client x y} { upvar #0 $w data global tkPriv if {$data(-state) == "disabled"} { return } set rootx [expr $x + [winfo rootx $client]] set rooty [expr $y + [winfo rooty $client]] if {$data(-postcmd) != ""} { set ret [tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-postcmd) "" $rootx $rooty] if {![tixGetBoolean $ret]} { return } } if {[string is true -strict $data(-installcolormap)]} { wm colormapwindows . $w } set menuWidth [winfo reqwidth $data(w:menu)] set width [winfo reqwidth $w] set height [winfo reqheight $w] if {$width < $menuWidth} { set width $menuWidth } set wx $rootx set wy $rooty # trick: the following lines allow the popup menu # acquire a stable width and height when it is finally # put on the visible screen. Advoid flashing # wm geometry $w +10000+10000 wm deiconify $w raise $w update wm geometry $w ${width}x${height}+${wx}+${wy} update tkMbEnter $data(w:menubutton) tkMbPost $tkPriv(inMenubutton) $rootx $rooty }