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Filename: ///lib64/tcl8.5/Tix8.4.3/ListNBk.tcl
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*- # # $Id: ListNBk.tcl,v 1.5 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $ # # ListNBk.tcl -- # # "List NoteBook" widget. Acts similarly to the notebook but uses a # HList widget to represent the pages. # # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam. # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group. # Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # tixWidgetClass tixListNoteBook { -classname TixListNoteBook -superclass tixVStack -method { } -flag { -height -width } -configspec { {-width width Width 0} {-height height Height 0} } -forcecall { -dynamicgeometry -width -height } -default { {*Orientation horizontal} } } proc tixListNoteBook:ConstructWidget {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget set data(w_pane) [tixPanedWindow $w.pane -panerelief flat] set p1 [$data(w_pane) add p1 -expand 0] set p2 [$data(w_pane) add p2 -expand 1] set data(w_p2) $p2 set data(w:shlist) [tixScrolledHList $p1.shlist] set data(w:hlist) [$data(w:shlist) subwidget hlist] if {[$data(w_pane) cget -orientation] eq "vertical"} { pack $data(w:shlist) -expand yes -fill both -padx 2 -pady 3 } else { pack $data(w:shlist) -expand yes -fill both -padx 3 -pady 2 } $data(w:hlist) config \ -command [list tixListNoteBook:Choose $w] \ -browsecmd [list tixListNoteBook:Choose $w] \ -selectmode single pack $data(w_pane) -expand yes -fill both } proc tixListNoteBook:add {w child args} { upvar #0 $w data if {[string match *.* $child]} { error "the name of the page cannot contain the \".\" character" } return [eval tixChainMethod $w add $child $args] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Virtual Methods #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixListNoteBook:InitGeometryManager {w} { tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixListNoteBook:InitialRaise $w } proc tixListNoteBook:InitialRaise {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(topchild) eq ""} { set top [lindex $data(windows) 0] } else { set top $data(topchild) } if {$top ne ""} { tixCallMethod $w raise $top } } proc tixListNoteBook:CreateChildFrame {w child} { upvar #0 $w data return [frame $data(w_p2).$child] } proc tixListNoteBook:RaiseChildFrame {w child} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(topchild) ne $child} { if {$data(topchild) ne ""} { pack forget $data(w:$data(topchild)) } pack $data(w:$child) -expand yes -fill both } } # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # proc tixListNoteBook:config-dynamicgeometry {w value} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w_pane) config -dynamicgeometry $value } proc tixListNoteBook:config-width {w value} { upvar #0 $w data if {$value != 0} { $data(w_pane) config -width $value } } proc tixListNoteBook:config-height {w value} { upvar #0 $w data if {$value != 0} { $data(w_pane) config -height $value } } proc tixListNoteBook:raise {w child} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w:hlist) selection clear $data(w:hlist) selection set $child $data(w:hlist) anchor set $child tixChainMethod $w raise $child } proc tixListNoteBook:Choose {w args} { upvar #0 $w data set entry [tixEvent flag V] if {[lsearch $data(windows) $entry] != -1} { tixCallMethod $w raise $entry } }